Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Apprentice - Corporate Team Building Activity in White Plains

From American Adventures & Events, I am Heather and we completed a very special activity today – The Apprentice.

This versatile, indoor or outdoor activity tasks competing teams with building a child’s bicycle. Being judged on building functionality, creative customization and a marketing presentation for the bike. These teams of international colleagues had to use some serious time management, collaboration and communication skills as they were on a time crunch to donate these bikes to some well deserving local boys and girls. The teams, families and kiddos were all joyful as we presented the bikes to their new owners.

If you believe your company can benefit from a team building activity like this one, please contact us.

Visit www.americanoutback.net for more information

Wild Goose Chase - Corporate Team Building Activity in Washington, DC

Hi, this is Heather with American Outback Adventures & Events, and today we’re in Washington, DC, hosting our Wild Goose Chase for a group of human resources professionals.

This team primarily works remotely and the Wild Goose Chase was the perfect event to get them moving, talking and bonding over our wild challenges. The teams’ energy, excitement, competitive spirit was evident when we met in Persian Park to kick off the chase. They were soon exploring the downtown area while looking for people, places and activities to complete challenges and earn the most points. Teams got out of their comfort zones, made some new friends, and one person even kissed a live lobster.

Find out how wild your team can get by hosting your very own Wild Goose Chase. Get in touch with one of our event solutions experts today and visit our website at www.americanoutback.net

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Amazing Chase - Corporate Team Building Activity in Fort Worth

Hi, this is Heather from American Outback Adventures & Events.

Today, we are in Fort Worth, Texas, racing through down town in The Amazing Chase. These banking professionals were faced with road blocks and detours at some of Fort Worth’s most notable places. They stopped by the Sid Richardson museum where they were challenged in a road block that required a steady eye and even steadier brain. They got physical and made new friends at the water gardens, and they tested their powers of persuasion in market square. When the race ended at Frankie’s bar, food and drinks were waiting for the energized teams.

Find out how to bring the Amazing Chase to your city and to your team. Get in touch with one of our events solutions experts today.

Visit www.americanoutback.net for more information

Friday, April 8, 2016

Secret Agent 007 - Corporate Team Building Activity in Portland

Hey guys! This is James with American Outback Adventures & Events with another event update.

Today we’re in Portland, and of all things, the sun is shining. It’s a rarity for Portland but it happened. So we took advantage of that. We had a group of entrepreneurs that came into the city and they wanted to experience Portland in a way that they might not be able to otherwise. So we took a little bit of team building, a little bit of sightseeing, and we combined it into a program that we call Secret Agent 007. Each team member is gonna be out in the city playing the role of a secret agent trying to take down the infamous, the infernal, the dubious Dr Black. Now, today these guys went out, they brought a lot of excitement and energy into the program. To dig a little bit deeper, we started out with an ice breaker, we had the group tell each other about their names, and then we transitioned from that into the code names that they were going to be using for the program, and then ultimately what their team name was gonna be. Names carry a lot of weight in this program. They headed into the city, they gathered their intel, they made their observations, they completed their tasks, made it back to headquarters, assembled their file reports, but in the end there could be only one. Regardless, they showed up with smiles on their faces, sweat pouring down their face and it was a great day had by all.

If you’re interested in scheduling your group for a meaningful team building outing or experience, check us out on americanoutback.net. We’d love to have you on the next one.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Random Acts of Kindness - Corporate Team Building Activity in San Antonio

Hello there! It’s Heather with an American Outback Adventures & Events update.

We have just completed a Random Act of Kindness activity on a beautiful, cloudless day in San Antonio. This group of nurses set out on the river walk with open hearts and resourceful minds. Tasks with completing as many Random Acts of Kindness as possible, these teams work together to accomplish some amazing things - from flash mob dances and giving high fives to a group of kids, to helping a window washer who washes windows. One team treated a stranger to his very first ice cream sundae. The teams raved about invigorated they felt, getting involved in the community and creatively bringing kindness to their community.

If you believe that your company could benefit from an exciting team building activity like this one, please contact us at AmericanOutback.