Thursday, June 12, 2014

Apprentice Corporate Team Building Activity in New Hampshire

Hi there! Shannon here with another corporate event update from American Outback Adventures and Events. 

Today we had an Apprentice event in Nashua, New Hampshire. Our client today is going through some serious changes into their organization that they want to incorporate into their event. Their on the floor workers where adjusting to substantial growing safety inspections on their products. The participants in the meeting where their managers most of whom have been in their positions for less than a year each. Our client really wanted to create a similar atmosphere for their managers that the workers where undergoing. They really wanted the event to focus on change management. To accommodate our client’s custom needs, we added a few extra changes and curve balls throughout the event that made teams re-evaluate their strategies and truly work together to overcome the challenges we were giving them. The event transitioned perfectly into their keynote speaker that came in to speak to the group about change management. The participants all had a great time and brought up some fantastic points in our debrief about adjusting to change and why the change made various things difficult and how they handled them as a team. A great and educational event here in Nashua this morning. 

To learn more about our customizable corporate team building events, visit us at 

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