Thursday, April 16, 2015

Art of Giving - Corporate Team Building Activity in Irvine

Hey guys, this is James with American Outback Adventures & Events with another event and corporate team building report.

Today we are in sunny Irvine, California, at the Hotel Irvine, putting on one of our Art of Giving programs. Now, our client today, we got about a hundred and twenty people, men and women, from all over the world, part of a company that do background checks. Now, these are sales, marketing and admin and we got a great challenge for them. They are going to be building sculptures of the supplies that we provided them. Now the catch is, the interesting part is that these supplies are all canned goods or package goods that are, later, going to be donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank to combat hunger here in Orange County. Now the teams got together, they put their resources together, they pool their creative minds. Collaborated and created some uplifting and hilarious sculptures. I saw the Hungry Caterpillar, 2 versions of the Roman Coliseum, a Castle, the Empire State building and after they were done building, they had to present on their sculptures and there were some beautiful moments and touching moments and a lot of laughs. It was a great time, I highly recommend it for your next corporate program.

If you’re interested in booking a program with American Outback Adventures & Events, check us out on the web at

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