Hi there! It’s Heather with American Outback Adventures
& Events, here with another corporate event update.

Today, we’re in San Antonio, Texas, with a group of sales
and marketing professionals who are participating in their very own
Wild GooseChase scavenger hunt throughout the downtown river walk area. The participants
have come from cities all around the country to meet and get to know each other
better, and the Wild Goose Chase is their kick off for team based competitions
that will last the duration of their stay in San Antonio. The teams were
challenged with finding and photographing scavenger hunt items in the downtown
area, all using our smartphone application. They loved interacting with the
locals, getting a bit crazy, and working together to complete these wild
challenges. Overall, the group had a blast and established bonds that will carry
over into their daily work.
To plan an exciting team building event like this one for
your company, please visit our website and get in touch with one of our event
solutions experts.