Hey everyone, it’s Michelle with American Outback Adventures
& Events with another corporate event update for you.
We are just wrapping up a Cake Creators event in Houston.
The event itself was taking place for a group of pipeline workers, ranging in
departments. We had the admin team, we have some managers in there, some
installers, some account reps, it was really a mixed bag of people from
multiple areas of the business. They had a great time, one of the highlighting
features of this event was that the groups don’t necessarily work closely
together on a daily basis, so our client would like us to separate the groups
into a mixed teams - mixed, being from different departments. They had a great
time, they really got into the cake decorating aspect of things, quite creative
in their designs and they really though outside the box with the cakes that
they did create. They had a great time; the cakes themselves were donated to
the Gospel Mission, downtown Houston after our activity, so there was a bit of a
philanthropic element to this event. Everyone had, like I said, a good time, it
was fun and their cakes look fantastic.
If you’re into a culinary event like this for your team,
please contact us online at americanoutback.net.
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