Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Secret Agent 007 Corporate Team Building Activity in New York

Hi there! Shannon here with another corporate event update from American Outback Adventures & Events.

Today we had a custom Secret Agent 007 in Manhattan, New York city. Our client was a legal firm who we have worked with in the past. They bought out a local restaurant for the night to have a social night with their partners and associates. The night was optional, so all the guest list was expected to be about 65 people, we were not certain how many participants would actually be there before the event. We ended up with about 45 participants. This event was definitely custom to this group. The client wanted the 007 theme and activities but needed the event to entirely take place in 60 minutes and have teams of 6 to 8 people. What we did to accommodate the client tonight was that we picked out four 007 activities, target shooting, map reading, code breaking and Martini tasting. Each agent skills test had its own station and host to run it. Every station would have 2 teams at it at any given time and each set of teams would have 10 minutes at each station. Teams carried a passport with them for authorizing agents to mark if they had passed or failed that particular task. If they pass the test, they received evidence pertaining to a case under current investigation by our organization. After every team had taken their turn at each of the 4 stations, we handed out a final report for each team to fill out with the best of their abilities, analyzing the evidence they had collected. Well some of the stations had teams scratching their heads and even struggling, this group of analytics loved the challenge - another huge success for American Outback Adventures & Events.

To learn more about how we can work with your team to make our events your events, visit us at www.americanoutback.net

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