Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Minute To Win It - Corporate Team Building Activity in Woodlands

Howdy! This is Heather with American Outback Adventures & Events, and today in Texas, we completed two events, back to back.

Interns and mentors teamed up in the morning to complete our Team Pursuit – a high energy indoor team building activity that has teams working against the clock to earn points by completing different types of challenges. After lunch, these teams lined up to use their brains and brawn in head to head competition of seemingly simple 60 second challenges in our Minute To Win It activity. This activity focuses on resource management, communication and team interaction, all during a fun and fast paced morale building experience.

If you think your company can benefit from great events like these, give us a call!

Visit www.americanoutback.net for more information

Monday, May 9, 2016

The Apprentice - Corporate Team Building Activity in Austin

Heather here from American Outback Adventures & Events

We just completed a great philanthropic event – The Apprentice, with a group of highly competitive teams in Austin, Texas. Each team was tasked with building a child’s bicycle and then judged on 3 components – the building function, the creative customization and marketing presentation to sell the bike. These teams really captured the spirit of a child in their presentations, and then donated these bikes to local deserving children through a charity of their choice. Not only did these teams compete for bragging rights and practice some great skills like time management, strategy, and communication, they also worked hard to put a smile on a child’s face.

If you think your company can benefit from a great event like this, give us a call.

Visit www.americanoutback.net for more information

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Apprentice - Corporate Team Building Activity in Tucson

Hi, this is Heather with American Outback Adventures & Events with an update from the natural state of Arizona.

We just wrapped up a great event called The Apprentice. A philanthropic team building activity that tasks teams with building a children’s bicycle, creatively customizing that bicycle and creating a marketing campaign. Not only do the teams utilize team work, communication and time management, but they also work hard to give back to the local community and put smiles on children’s faces.

If you believe your company can benefit from a great event like this, please contact us at American Outback.

Visit www.americanoutback.net for more information

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Wild Goose Chase - Corporate Team Building Activity in Clearwater Beach

Hi, this Heather with American Outback Adventures & Events and today we are in Clearwater beach, Florida, hosting our Wild Goose Chase for a group of corporate recruiting professionals.

This team works throughout North America, and the Wild Goose Chase was the perfect event to get them moving and talking and bonding over our wild challenges. The teams’ energy, excitement and competitive spirit was evident when we met at the Sherraton Sandkey resort to kick off the chase. They were soon exploring the Clearwater beach marina while looking for people, places, and activities to complete challenges and earn the most points. Teams got out of their comfort zones, bonded over collaborative challenges, and one person even kissed a live lobster.

Find out how wild your team can get by hosting your very own Wild Goose Chase. Get in touch with one of our event solutions experts today and visit our website at www.americanoutback.net